Regulatory developments in network access and connection

Electricity distribution

On 12 January 2025, part of the content of National Securities Market Commission (CNMC) Circular 1/2024, of 27 September, which establishes the methodology and conditions for access and connection to the transmission and distribution networks of electricity demand facilities, comes into force.

The new regulation allows for more efficient use of the grids, facilitates the electrification of demand, brings transparency and agility to access and connection permit management, and promotes system security and quality of service.

The CNMC has set different deadlines for distribution companies to adapt their procedures to the new regulation.

The main new features coming into force on 12 January concern the definition of access and connection permit application content, the preliminary proposal for access and connection permits, the project order and the technical access contract.

For example, it sets out the content of access and connection applications for all network managers.

In addition, the content will be homogeneous throughout the territory and will result in a more streamlined and transparent processing for the applicant.

Importantly, the new rules mean that applications that do not provide the documentation set out in Annexes I and II of Circular 1/2024 will not be accepted.

See all the detailed information in the Circular 1/2024 of 27 September