If you execute all or part of the extension work from the distribution network to the first element owned by you acting as the developer, you may need to provide the following documentation:

Copy of the Tax ID Number (NIF)

Copy of the Tax ID Number (NIF) of the Company/Individual/Town Hall/Any other Public Body or Organisation

Photocopy of National identity document (DNI)

Photocopy of the National ID document (DNI) of the person(s) authorised to sign transfer contracts:

  • If the transferor is a Public Organism (apart from Town Halls): Written authorisation or accreditation of the Public Organisation representative that will sign the contracts.
  • If the transferor is a Town Hall: add the Regular or Special Plenary Agreement in which it is stated that the electrical installations in question will be transferred to UFD Distribución Electricidad, S.A., in addition to the section of land or premises occupied by the transformer or distribution station, as applicable Furthermore, they must declare that the installations are located on municipal land and the section of land/premises is owned by the Town Hall.

Copy of the deed of incorporation.

Copy of the transferor company’s deed of incorporation, corporate resolutions or power of attorney.

Property deeds

Property deeds or simple informative note from the land registry for the land or premises where the distribution or transformer stations will be installed, as applicable.

Permission from affected parties

Permission from Organisms/individuals affected by the installation to be transferred (roads, water, etc.) and municipal license from the Town Hall. In the case of urbanisation projects that include a transformer or distribution station in green areas, approval from the Town Hall corresponding to the Urbanisation Project will be provided, in addition to sufficient documentation from the latter to accredit that the type and location of the installations that are ultimately transferred coincide with the distribution network foreseen in this project.

Copy of the Administrative Authorisation and Project Approval

Copy of the Administrative Authorisation and the  Project Approval issued by the Industry Delegation.

Installation start-up certificate and copy of the project

Installation start-up certificate and a copy of the project presented to obtain this certificate.

Details of the civil law notary

Details of the civil law notary that will register the personal use easement rights corresponding to the land(s) or premises where the transformer or distribution station are located.

Final work certificate

Final work certificate signed by a competent technician, duly endorsed.

Plan of land or premises

Plan with the specific dimensions of the land or premises over which the personal use easement will be established.

Plan of the installations to be transferred

Plan that reflects the installations to be transferred  and their characteristics.


The EIC for low voltage.


Test of the step and contact voltage of the transformer and distribution station, reflecting the procedure carried out and the device manufacturer.

Measurements and tests on underground electrical lines

Measurements and tests on underground electrical linesbefore commissioning, in accordance with the particular connection specifications indicated on our website.

Measurements in iron fittings

Measurements in the distribution station’s iron fittings and neutral terminal.

Transformer test protocol

Individual transformer test protocol.