Recognition, seals and certification received by UFD

In 2004, UFD began the implementation of its quality management system, which gained its first certification in 2005. In the following yeas we continued working to implement an environmental management system, certified for the first time in 2006, and a health and safety management system, certified for the first time in 2008. All of these systems were integrated in 2010, and the integrated management system received its first certification in 2011, in accordance with the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards.

UFD was certified by the Spanish Association for Standardisation (AENOR) until 2024.
That year, the management system was certified by Tüv, obtaining a favourable result
and ensuring the continuity of the previous certification.

We continue to work on improving our integrated management system, adapting to regulatory changes, our evolving context, and the needs and expectations of our stakeholders.

ISO 14001

Certification of the Environmental Management System for the planning, development and exploitation of the electricity distribution network.

ISO 45001

Certification of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System for the planning, development and exploitation of the electricity distribution network.

ISO 9001

Certification of the Quality Management System for the planning, development and exploitation of the electricity distribution network.

Recognition, seals and certification received by the Naturgy Group

Included in the sustainability index since it was launched in 2001. FTSE Russell drafts a series of FTSE4Good Indexes on ESG criteria which includes companies that reach specific thresholds regarding their environmental, social and governance practices.

A world leader with the highest rating thanks to its management of water resources. And remaining in the top positions globally in the climate category due to its actions against climate change.

Top rating (AAA). Present in the Climate change and ESG leaders indexes.  MSCI prepares annual indexes that assess different aspects of relevance to capital investments worldwide. Companies are evaluated on ESG criteria, among others.

One of the top 5 utilities companies evaluated Each year, Sustainalytics prepares an leading international report on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria. It includes and ranks the companies that contribute the most to a fair and sustainable economy by productive sector.

Present in the Europe 120 and Eurozone 120 indexes.  Vigeo Eiris is a rating agency specialised in socially responsible investment that produces regional indexes every two years, showing companies that have progressed most in corporate responsibility. We maintained the score awarded by the agency Vigeo Eiris in 2018.

In the top 20% highest scoring companies. ISS ESG Research analyses companies and countries in terms of their performance on environmental and social issues, including corporate responsibility and ethics. It also produces a biannual rating report.

We are the first company worldwide to obtain the Global Family Responsible Certificate (EFR), which recognises achievements related to the work-life balance of employees, allowing for their human and social development.

This certifies the implementation of a management system that promotes and protects the health, well-being and safety of its employees.