I’m a self-supplier
How can I manage my self-supply request?
What type of self-consumption do you want to connect?
If you want to request a self-supply connection
*With no surplus
*Or with surplus, with a capacity equal to or lower than 15 kW, located on developed land and connected to the equipment and services required by urban planning legislation.

You must process the formality with the relevant authority and your supply company. Before that, don’t forget to request your Self-Supply Code (CAU) on this page.
When you have your CAU, you will have to legalise your installation with your Autonomous Community, and you will also be able to apply for the contract with your supply company.
If you want to request a self-supply connection.
*With surplus, with a capacity over 15 kW.
*With surplus, with a capacity equal to or lower than 15 kW, NOT located on developed land and connected to the equipment and services required by urban planning legislation.

Your self-supply will be associated with a network access and connection process with your distribution company. If that is us, you can easily manage this process by registering in our Private Area.
And, when we provide your Self-Supply Code (CAU), you will have to legalise your installation with your Autonomous Community and you will be able to apply for the contract with your supply company.
Self-consumption tools
Find out which type of connection and measurement layout you need for your low voltage self-consumption.
Find out moreSelf-supply distribution coefficient file validator
This tool will allow you to check whether your collective self-supply distribution coefficient file meets the necessary format requirements.
Access the validatorWhat is a CAU?
A Self-Supply Code (CAU) is a unique self-supply identifier. It will comprise the 22-character Universal Supply Point Code (CUPS) of your supply followed by A and three zeros. The distribution company is responsible for providing you with the code and you will need it on all self-supply requests to register your installation in your Autonomous Community. In our case, you can get it using this simple form.
What is a CIL?
A CIL is a liquidation code used to quantify and liquidate (where appropriate) surplus energy generated by an installation. It will comprise the generation Universal Supply Point Code (CUPS) followed by 001. The distribution company will be responsible for providing you with the code when you complete your connection request. Production surpluses must be liquidated when there is no offsetting. But we will always give you the code in case you need it in the future.
Check if your installation will need access and connection, and get your Self-Supply Code (CAU)

Access and connection process

Submit your request
- Go to the My supplies section of the Private Area. Sign up!
- We will ask you for the following information:
- Personal details (name, ID no., email, telephone no.)
- Details of the type of installation and capacity
- Details of the location (name, land registry reference, capacity)
- Send us the documents we specify.
- Remember that, for the request process to be valid, it must comply at all times with legal requirements.

We send you a proposal with the financial terms
- When we validate the documentation, we will assess the request, taking into account the features of your installation.
- Don’t forget that your installation must comply with the legislation, regulations and technical documentation in force.
- We will send a prior proposal containing the access and connection point, and financial terms (if any).

We will notify you of permits and carry out the works
- When you accept the access and connection point we have proposed, we will send you the permits for your installation.
- If any other work is required, we will send you a quote and, once you have paid, we will complete the work.
- Before checking your installation, we will ask you for the following documentation:
- Electrical installation certificate (CIE)
- 59N check report (for Medium Voltages)
- Connection request

We check the installation and obtain authorisation
- Once we’ve checked it, you can connect your installation.
- Then we will prepare the technical contract and send you the Codefor the production installation for the purpose of liquidation (CIL) and the management report.
- Don’t forget that you’ll have to manage the access contract with your supply company.
- If you have a self-supply installation with a capacity of under 100 kW, you must register your self-supply in the corresponding register of your autonomous community.

Submit your request
- Go to the My supplies section of the Private Area. Sign up!
- We will ask you for the following information:
- Personal details (name, Tax ID no., email, telephone no.)
- Details of the type of installation
- Details of the location (name, land registry reference, capacity)
- Send us the documents we specify.
- Don’t forget to open your request at a point with sufficient access capacity for generation. Check capacity here.

We send you a proposal with the financial terms
- When we validate the documentation, we will assess the request, taking into account the features of your installation.
- Red Eléctrica de España must confirm access to the transport network if the characteristics of the installation so require, in accordance with current legislation. Check the required documents
- We will send a prior proposal containing the access and connection point, and financial terms (if any).

We will notify you of permits and carry out the works.
- When you accept the access and connection point we have proposed, we will send you the permits for your installation.
- If any other work is required, we will send you a quote and, once you have paid, we will complete the work.
- We need you to send us the detailed project of your installation.
- We notify you of project approval
- And we will start carrying out the work.

We check the installation and obtain authorisation
- When the work has been completed, we will check the documents for commissioning, check the measurement installation, the protections and authorise your connection.
- We will also prepare the technical access contract, send you the Code for the production installation for the purpose of liquidation (CIL), the measurement report and the management report.
Current legislation
Below you can find a list with part of the legislation that may be applied.
- Network Codes and Technical Regulations for the Supervision of Generators
- Royal Decree-Law 23/2020
- Power Sector Law 24/2013 of 26 December
- Royal Decree-Law 15/2018
- Royal Decree 1955/2000
- Royal Decree 1110/2007 (Unified regulation of electric system measurement points)
- Circular 1/2021
- CNMC Resolution of 20 May 2021
- Royal Decree 1699/2011 applies to:
- All low-voltage technologies with a capacity of up to 100 kW
- Cogeneration, biogas and biomass up to 1,000 kW and with a voltage of up to 36 kV
- Royal Decree 413/2014 applies to:
- All technologies with a capacity of over 100 kW, or with a capacity of less than 100 kW and a voltage of over 1 kV (except for cogeneration, biogas and biomass)
- Cogeneration, biogas and biomass of over 1000 kW or voltage of over 36 kV
- Royal Decree 244/2019 applies to self-consumption
- Royal Decree 1183/2020, of 29 December, on access and connection to electricity transmission and distribution networks.
- CNMC Circular 1/2024 of 27 September, establishing the methodology and conditions for access and connection to the transmission and distribution networks of electricity demand facilities.
- Royal Decree 1699/2011 applies to: