Before we start...

Managers and advisors must register as users on the private area of our website before being delegated a supply point. In order to register, they do not need any information relating to the supplies.

What are the differences between a manager and an advisor?

  • Natural or legal person to whom you can delegate the management of one or more supply points over a period of time.
  • They can also perform the same operations as the holder of the access contract, including power modifications
  • There can be only one manager per supply. Even so, the holder of the contract may continue managing everything regarding the supply.
  • Natural or legal person who advises and supports on matters of consumption efficiency and energy.
  • They can view the consumption of one or several supply points over a specific period of time
  • They may not access the other features on the website, they may only view consumption
  • One supply can have several advisors.

  • How can I create a manager or advisor?

    From the profile of the holder of the access contract for the supply point, click Add new manager or Add new advisor, as applicable. If there are no managers or advisors previously associated, a screen will appear to register them.

    Then, enter the details of the manager or advisor in the fields.  In order to do this, the manager or advisor must have previously registered as a user on the private area of UFD.

    Enter the details of the manager: name, ID document (NIF, CIF or NIE), email address. Then, click Accept.

    Once created, they will appear in the My managers or My advisors list, and supplies can be delegated to them.

  • How are the supplies delegated?

    Remember that…

    Only the holder of a supply point may assign a manager or advisor, but the manager or advisor must be registered in the private area of UFD.

    To delegate to a manager or advisor, go to My Supplies and then Managed by me from the list of supply points. You can delegate one by one, or several at a time by selecting the supply points and then clicking Delegate to a manager or Authorise advisors.



    If there is still no associated manager or advisor, a screen will appear to register them. If there are already associated managers or advisors, clicking on the My managers or My advisors link will cause the list of managers or advisors to appear.

    To associate a supply point to a manager or advisor, select the supply and click on delegate to a manager or authorise advisors. A window will open with the list of managers or advisors who are registered and the delegation period.

    In addition to choosing the manager or advisor you want, you must also establish a delegation period for the supply point.



    By clicking on Accept, the supply points will be associated with a manager or advisor, and they will receive an email informing them that they must accept or reject the delegation.

  • How do I know if I am the manager or advisor of a supply?

    When a supply is delegated to you as a manager or advisor, you will receive a notification via the email address you used to register on the UFD website.

    You can accept or reject the delegation from the same emailIt is important to accept the delegation to be able to start working with the supplies.


  • How can I access the supplies I have been delegated?

    To access the supplies you have been delegated, you must have first accepted that delegation.

    From then, by accessing the Private Area with your user profile, you can access a new screen called Delegated to me in My supplies. By clicking on this option, you will go to the full list of supplies to which you have access as a manager or advisor.


  • How can I modify managers or advisors?

    It is possible to modify the manager and advisor details from the supply owner or requester profile by going to the My managers or My advisors list.

    All you need to do is click on Edit and modify the details, then click Save changes.

  • Can I remove a manager or advisor?

    It is important that...

    The managers or advisors do not have active delegated supply points before being removed.

    There are two ways to remove a manager or advisor:

    • From the My managers or My advisors screen, select those you want to remove and click Remove.
    • From the details of the manager or advisor, click on Remove.

    In both cases, a confirmation message will appear on the screen, but if the manager still has a delegated supply point, this delegation must be removed to be able to complete the process.