New! The User and Installer Manuals are now available on our Digital Services Platform

Tips and advice

Did you know that you can find detailed information about how to carry out administrative procedures with UFD in two manuals that we have published on our Digital Services Platform?

These two very simple and visual manuals use short articles and infographics to explain some of the most relevant and useful features of our digital platform, answer the most common  questions about the most frequent procedures and help you understand the technical terms related to electricity distribution.

Firstly, the User Manual explains how to register in the private area and how to link your supply points or delegate the consultation and management of a supply to third parties once you’ve logged in. Among other things, it also tells you what the CUPS (Universal Supply Point Code) is and the maximum electrical power of your supply, as well as the reasons for changing it.

Secondly, if you are an installer, you will be interested to discover all the content we have prepared especially for you in the Installer Manual, where we explain how to make the most of the available features for managing all your supply points. So, you will be able to check the difference between a manager  and an advisor , as well as the characteristics and differences in the roles of arequester, owner and payer. We also provide a list of requirements for verified anti-discharge mechanisms (ADM), highly useful information if you need to connect a self-consumption system.

And that’s not all! Because these two manuals will always be living documents and new articles of interest will be added regularly to include the most relevant and latest information from our Digital Services Platform.

At UFD, we are always here to help!