Electricity distribution

Public consultation on the detailed specifications on Access and Connection of Demand to the distribution network according to Circular 1/2024

Article 18.2 of Circular 1/2024 of 27 September, by the National Securities Market Commission, which establishes the methodology and conditions for access and connection to the transmission and distribution networks of electricity demand facilities, requires network operators to carry out a consultation process on their proposals with parties and agents affected for a period of no less than one month.

Electricity distribution

How we guarantee service during a storm

Guaranteeing the energy supply and meeting the needs of our users is one of our strongest commitments, even in the most unfavourable circumstances. This was the case during Storm Filomena, one of the worst snow storms in recent years that, as you will recall, left us with images that will go down in history.

Electricity distribution

At UFD, we can help you with self-supply

Would you like to install an electricity self-supply system in your home or business but don’t know how to do it? As a distribution company, UFD would like to help you because we are committed and dedicated to helping you every step of the way.

Electricity distribution

What is an electricity distribution company?

Do you know what an electricity distribution company is? Do you know the difference between a distribution company and a supply company? Do you know if you can choose or change distribution company? This article will try to answer these questions, which are very common among consumer.