Besides helping you with the grid connection, at UFD, we can provide all the information you need about self-supply.
You’ll have everything under control!
Watch this short video to discover what self-supply is, the various different types, the benefits it can have for you and the procedure to follow to install and connect it to the grid based on the type of installation you choose.
Click play!
And remember…
From your private area, you can check all the technical information about your consumption point and your self-supply data.
Type of installation and self-supply.
Validity start date.
Measurement scheme.
Installed generation capacity.
CAU and CIL codes, among others
You can also see how much energy you consume and generate, as well as the surplus you send to the grid. This way, you can compare and adjust it to suit your requirements.
How can I request a new self-supply connection?
If you need to request a new self-supply connection, here is an explanation of the process.
At UFD, we get you connected to self-supply!